What Would Paying Student Athletes Look Like?

“Unions are tricky for college sports,” Jay Bilas, the ESPN college basketball analyst, said over the phone the other day, “because you’ve got public and private institutions and different state…

What Would Paying Student Athletes Look Like?

A college team’s vote to unionize adds pressure on the N.C.A.A. to abandon rules that forbid paying student athletes like employees. Source link

How Trump’s Justice Dept. Derailed an Investigation of a Major Company

The industrial giant Caterpillar hired William Barr and other lawyers to defuse a federal criminal investigation of alleged tax dodges. Source link

The Surprising Left-Right Alliance That Wants More Apartments in Suburbs

For years, the Yimbytown conference was an ideologically safe space where liberal young professionals could talk to other liberal young professionals about the particular problems of cities with a lot…

How Fraudsters Break Into Social Security Accounts and Steal Benefits

For the past two decades, Liz Birenbaum’s 88-year-old mother, Marge, has received her Social Security check on the second Wednesday of each month. It’s her sole source of income, which…

Salesforce AI Executive Clara Shih Leads with a Beginner’s Mind

This article is part of our Women and Leadership special report that coincides with global events in March celebrating the accomplishments of women. This conversation has been edited and condensed.…

Fed Chair Powell Signals a Retreat on Banking Rules

The Fed chair said regulators could scale back or rework a sweeping capital-requirements proposal that Wall Street has been fighting for months. Source link

Max Hardy, 40, Dies; Helped Bring Chef-Driven Cuisine to Detroit

Max Hardy, who helped bring a new level of chef-driven yet accessible cuisine to his native Detroit, and who was widely considered among the most promising of a young generation…

Biden Targets Big Business and Billionaires

The president used his State of the Union address to plug his economic record and announce a policy wish list that involves raising taxes on multinationals and the wealthy. Source…

More Tuned In for State of the Union Than Last Year

Seizing one of his biggest media moments ahead of the election in November, President Biden delivered a State of the Union address on Thursday that doubled as a campaign kickoff…